Friday, December 29, 2017

Jack Frost

This is a kind of spin-off film of Jack Frost from Frosty’s Winter Wonderland and Rudolph and Frosty Christmas In July.

Pardon-Me-Pete the Groundhog (voiced by Buddy Hackett) tells the story of Jack Frost how he wanted to be seen as human for love. Yes, apparently Jack Frost is invisible to people in this version. (Now you know where Rise of the Guardians got it from)
A town called January Junction (assuming around in Russia), where the peasants are being oppressed by Kubla Kraus of the Cossack, who reside at Mount Miserable. When Jack Frost (voiced by Robert Morse) arrives, winter happens and the peasants created ice coins as currency instead of real money that was easily stolen. The peasant’s daughter, Elisa came, as she admits she loves Jack Frost or a shiny knight.

Jack Frost is part of the Kingdom of Winter led by his creator Father Winter. Jack’s friends are Snip (voiced by Don Messick) and the White Christmas Gypsy named Holly (voiced by recurring girl for Rankin Bass since Santa Claus Comin’ To Town, Dina Lynn). Father Winter made a deal with Jack Frost to be human for Elisa temporary, until the first day of spring with the entire loving essential. Jack Frost meets Elisa as Jack Snip. Snip and Holly became human to protect Jack from harm. Sir Jeff Bridge- I mean Sir Ravenall suddenly came on Christmas as barely a love competition. Will Jack Frost take down the Cossack, Kubai? (Wait, that sentence doesn’t right today.)

Paul Frees doesn’t reprise his role as Jack Frost. I could say couldn’t do the high range voice, but he’s doing his role as Ludwig Von Drake around that time, unless that was an early recording. That would partly explain why Jack Frost in the ladder film with Christmas in July as he only has two lines in at the end. So at that time and this film, he’ll mostly speak in either his natural voice or deep voice, which is what are Kubla Kraus and the Father Winter came in. Kubla Khan is by far the best villain in Rankin Bass. Unlike Iron Tail, Omaddad, etc., Kubla has rule the town literally with an iron fist. Yes, Burgermeister and Smaug already ruled a land, but Kubla has an iron army and is proactive on his iron horse. Even Rusty the Tin Man (Tale of the Wizard of Oz) became his butler. His theme sounds awesome from the beginning to his end.  

I love Elisa, as she’s adorable, even she falls into Damsel in Distress. Robert Morse is not a bad replacement; I just miss Paul Frees mischief from Winter Wonderland.

This is becoming a hot question throughout the film on who’s in charge of Winter. We have Winter Warlock, Snow Miser, Winterbolt, Jack Frost, Zero, and now Father Winter. I’m not counting Jackie Frost. You can argue that being wizards that Winter Warlock, Zero, and Winterbolt has channel into Father Winter’s power. Snow Miser and Jack Frost is the branching Winter member from Father Winter, despite one of them is the son of Mother Nature. That could just be crazy me talking out of my back.

The film included with media may make the film dated, yet the stop-motion has gotten better. If Pardon-Me Pete was present at the specific year of 1993, what would the cover look like?

Overall, this is a fun spin-off film. If I’m going to talk about a character to be rebooted, then I going to review a character that has been part of Rankin Bass from the very beginning, and it’s not Rudolph.

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