Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Introduction to Retahensid Review 2018

After I reviewed films from Rankin Bass, I decided to move on the next near step, and that's by reviewing all the films that the people in Rankin Bass production did. There's couple of problems that's interfering with that idea; as I'm writing this, I'm in North Carolina with limited time on the laptop, many of the other films the other people in the production are mostly Christmas as other films are well known where finding them free online is impossible such as the film Joseph E. Levine produced.
So from February to November of the year of 2018, I’m going to review all the Rankin Bass ' TV shows or review a genre of films that's kinda rare; the animated Western films. Given each of the production and rare genre, it's best to give them attention for something they did on their merit. Just like last year, there’s going to a catch in reviewing them all.

First, all the non-holiday films will be reviewed in chronological order, while the holidays will be reviewed in order of the holidays. So Easter is first, as Christmas is last.
Second, most of the series will be reviewed in whole, not one episode at of time. As I'll analyzed the theme of the shows through characters. Arcs didn't exist much back then.

Third, my limit of every review will be around 450 words, so my reviews are going to focus and not short. On top of that, I’m busy with life and drawing for others and even draw for this review when possible. So these reviews aren’t going to be pushed out quickly.

Fourth, most of the reviews are released when possible, while Christmas may have multiple releases since there are more than about thirty-one of them.

Fifth, The complete live-action films they as Rankin Bass or the production did is optional.

Sixth, I'm not reviewing American Tail 2 and Home on the Range for Animated Western. One is because the first American Tail is to be reviewed, and I don't want to review the worst Disney has to offer. Yes, I'm aware I was suppose to write something about me vs Disney, but after the recent event with Fox, I just couldn't have the spine to work with it.

Seventh, this is my opinion. If you like those films, great.  

So sit back, and enjoy the year of Retahensid’ blogger of some animated western films and the other works done by the production of Rankin Bass!


  1. Sounds good. I look forward to reading them. I never saw home on the range and know little of it. Putting together those rules for how to review is quite organized.

  2. Congrats..Saw this a few days ago! :)SC
